Friday, April 25, 2008

not EVER guilty...R.I.P. SEAN BELL

you have got to be mutha fucking kidding me. NOT GUILTY. how in the fuck do you shoot 3 unarmed men 50 times and and say you were just doing your jobs. daily, i sit back and think to myself that they can't stoop any lower to show us that they don't give a fuck about black people over here. but every day i get more and more confirmation. but my disappointment in us far outweighs the disappointment that i feel toward them. yes this is some 'us' and 'them' shit. don't believe me? watch as the clock keeps turning and shit keeps getting progressively worse globally (food crisis, iraq, sudan etc.) if we become too much of a liability to this sick ass government in this country (built by our people) they will not hesitate to speed up the process by which they are already ridding themselves of us. 'how are they doing that?' you may ask. weeeellllll, when you add poverty + crime + sub par education and divide it by class and multiply the quotient by a completely unbalanced, fuck that, CRIMINAL legal system, you get the death of an entire race of people. now there will always be a few black faces to roam around and make these mutha fuckas feel as though they are fair and just in their treatment of niggas...but it won't be the core of who WE are that will be those of us who revel in emulating them and their culture. so, what's next? now that we know that uniforms and badges can kill us in our own neighborhoods completely unchecked (we already knew it..but still), i can't help but wonder when they will start bringing the meat wagons by, demanding we get in, so they can cart us off to plantations/death camps/work camps or killing us in the streets if we don't comply. will it really get that bad? i fucking hope not...and yes i am a pessimist. but i am also a student of history and this type of shit has happened in modern societies and could happen again sooner than we think. just study the evidence. i mean, they way we kill EACH OTHER...not that they give a fucking damn about that--but these slimy mutha fuckas use our propensity for violence against one another as justification to ill shit in our communities and schools (like, the prison industrial complex, for example). add that to the fact that we don't do shit but look around in confusion as they murder and cage innocent people from our neighborhoods by the thousands. and the worst part...we don't even trust ourselves (like, at this point in the presidential race you got niggas still questioning whether or not to support obama)....soooooo on that note... it pisses me off, like no other, to hear that bitch bill clinton (it's official billy, i tried to have ya back but ur a hoe) say that the 'race card' was pulled on him. news flash mutha fucka: there is no race card. if you took the time to understand the existence of black people in this country you would know that we have no value here unless we are in some way, shape or form generating money for the ruling class (you know like---slavery), eliminating this race card notion...

how many more sean bells, shaquanda cottons, james birds, and jena sixes do we fucking need?

Monday, March 17, 2008

black racist???

webster defines racism as any program or practice of racial discrimination or segregation. victims of racism cannot themselves be racist against their oppressors because they themselves have not the power to do so. it is therefore categorically impossible. so why then, every time a black person speaks publicly about this government’s tactics to become a world power, is S/HE then labeled a racist? i ask because i’ve been hearing the buzz (really, just another tactic to slander) about obama’s preacher’s ’racist’ remarks. so i search to find out exactly what he said. well, come to find out he’s saying the same shit i say er’day. but i can’t understand why white folk get so mad; it’s not like they’re being lied on...message: if you are ashamed about the shit ya do, quit doin it!! and if it ain’t you doin it, quit supporting other folk when they do it. that applies to all creeds and colors. when it comes to white folk tho, if YOU are really not the racist that you so hate being called, denounce all the benefits that have come to you because of slavery. not only denounce them, but reject them and give them away to a black person, or a native person, or a mexican person--if you are sitting up on their land some where in cali, arizona, texas or new mexico. now, i know that there are a few white people who readily acknowledge the reality of a white american existence--privilege and protection at the expense of poor people and people of color. a few are even ashamed (as they should be) and that’s good for them. but there are so many out there who act as tho black people should be grateful for being america’s step children. no thank you. and saying this does not make me a racist. it makes me a realist. in my life time, i have witnessed this global campaign to just sweep the american systems of slavery and apartheid (the processes by which white power was achieved and maintained) under the rug. and even worse, to shut niggas up for talkin about it. there is also a blatant refusal by white folk (and many black folk) to connect why the descendants of the victims of these systems are so troubled, angry, frustrated and confused. whites continue to deny the roles that these systems have played in the destruction of black people (and in the advancement of themselves), because by denying these truths, the ’niggas are just sorry that’s why they and got shit’ position can be easily maintained. it then does not have to be publicly accepted that the conditions under which many black people live, even today, are the residue of chattel slavery and jim crow. for white people to accept this truth wholly and publicly requires a pay up that this government ain’t ready to unass. but just how do these all these facts continue to go unscrutinized? simply; reverse psychology. any time a black person remarks on the policies, programs and techniques used by white folk to abuse black people; said black person then becomes the racist. this is some sick shit y’all....

Friday, February 29, 2008

stop the press.

brought to you directly from my myspace blog...

people are funny. i mean really fucking hilarious...especially the ones (white and black) who refuse to acknowledge the systems of racism and white the entire fucking mainstream media. y'all remember all that wizzo bizzo last week cuz michelle (obama)--who is officially my new shero--said that this is the first time she has been proud of america in a really long time? did y'all see how these politico white folk acted like they were so shocked and disappointed that she would ever not be proud of america. like the land of the free and the home of the brave treats people of color like we are actual humans and not cash commodities. that is the point, ya know. the ruling class refuses to acknowledge that descendants of slaves and survivors of apartheid will look the government and the land of their oppression differently than the people who benefited because of those systems. it's common sense, so i know that intelligent folk peep game. but there is no one callin these mutha fuckas out publicly and putting their racism in their face, because the mainstream media will not allow it (that's called fascism by the way). and that's the shit that makes america embarrassing--wanna be the world police but won't take care of home lookin ass!! but with all that said, michelle, my fist is to the sky for you--even tho folk wanna shut you down for speaking the real shit. i wonder what would happen if we all started telling the truth about what we saw all the time??? that would require many of us to repudiate the ruse that is america.

this is for my cousin samuel west III, aka 'june-june' who was murdered by the dallas police department in 2003, and everyone who has been murdered in the pursuit of 'justice'. we miss you.

Monday, January 28, 2008 man runnin for the president...

imagine...all of us (black folk) supporting barack obama? lets not think about what he did or didn't vote for, who he worked for and all that shit. just think about what it would be like if all of us (black people) just stood solidly with him. obama. a black man.

now, i am saying this a reformed obama doubter. i was kinda shaky about him in the very early stages but when i saw him on the cnn/youtube debate in july...well, that's when he really lost me. there was a question submitted by a black viewer asking the candidates for their positions on reparations. along with hillary, john and whoever else the hell was on the stage, barack faked and shaked, danced around and politicked until he got his his answer out: 'No'.

that upset me like a mutha fucka. on top of that, the only candidate that said yes black people deserved a monetary apology from amerikkka was dennis kucinich--a little white dude from ohio. needless to say...he got my vote. that wasn't an easy concession to make though, with race being an 'issue' and all. and while i liked kucinich's politics, and still do, i was kinda unsettled that i would want a white dude to get my precious vote over a black man. however, i knew that for me to support a brotha he needs to be black/african centered in his thinking...and if he isn't, well i'd rather just skip over the uncle tom shit and get a certified white boy. at least the disappointment, if any, would not be so severe.

since then i've made a few other assessments:

iowa+obama= 'i got 99 prollems and bitch ain't one!'

this has to be my favorite moment on the campaign trail thus far. it was then that i believed that there is a little more to barack than he can let on. after all, he is a black man. and if you are black and trying to get shit done within the world of the others, you know you can't get too black on they ass too quick (i.e. supporting reparations at the beginning of the race). if you do, they might get scared of you and put yo ass out (or lock yo ass up). but barack is displaying undeniable intellect and an ability to hold his own in the face of pressure. he's not backing down or bullshitting, which can be rare these days, no matter what a mutha fucka's race is. at this point even if you don't support reparations, i see ya barack...

new hampshire+hillary=cry me a river!!!

question hillary: did you cry when saw the faces of the hurricane katrina victims blasted on yo t.v. in 2005? bout when the police murdered sean bell in new york in 2006?...nah?...what about when you saw the 6 black boys from jena, did you cry then? ass up then.

hillary has become an unbelievable disappointment. as a woman, i know that a woman is more than capable of running shit. we do it all the time. i also know deep down, that she is very capable of running shit. unfortunately, somewhere in washington, hillary lost confidence in herself as a woman. now she has resorted to acting like a man, playing these same old political dick games. the sad thing is...she never had to--she's just been listening to billy. i want to see the hillary that told everybody to kiss her ass when she was trying to reform health care back in '93. you know, the one who actually acted up for the people and not the politics. hillary, stop acting like a bitch. there are plenty of men already in washington doing that for you.

south carolina+obama=yes we can!

yes we can...can we? obama kickin ass in carolina is a spirit lifter for me right now. it is glimmer of hope that racism and white supremacy can end. little by little, but it can come to an end. i mean, i'm 28 years old, and i (sadly) never thought i would see a black man run for president with a chance to actually win. but here it is. so again, black world, i take you 360 to the beginning of the post when i asked you to summon your imagination. visualize all of us in solidarity with this brotha. standing behind him, beside him, and with him...daring somebody to fuck with him. can you see it?

yes we can.

...and we can work out all the 'politics' later...

and if hillary could get her shit together she might make an okay v.p.

...i'm just sayin'...

Monday, January 14, 2008

nah my nigga.

happy new year. i hope that all your resolutions are still in affect and will remain so throughout the year. it's been a hot one [minute], so i'm gonna get straight to it. i had an emotional break down today in front of my students. we were talking when one of the kids in my class turned to his classmate (both mexican) and said, 'right my nigga?!' immediately, i said 'don't let me hear you say that again, you don't need to speak that way.' the boy then got defensive and told me he didn't mean it that way, and became angry because of my attempts to correct him. before i knew it, through tears i was telling him that 'niggas' were the men and women hanging from the trees in the south. and 'niggas' were the men and women being treated like product on auction blocks. and today,
'niggas' are the men and women that are getting gunned down in the street everyday by police. and 'niggas' are the people who are disproportionately inhabiting the prisons in america. i was so upset and crying so hard that a colleague pulled me out of the room to calm down.

just let me say, i know that this careless use of the 'n-word', as it is so affectionately called, is not his fault. he is just a child so really he's just mimicking. in all of my emotion, i was trying to be informative realizing that he is purposely not educated about america's true history; in addition to the fact that we live in a culture where black history does not exist in the mainstream, making it no big deal to throw out the racial slurs that psychologically poisoned an entire race of people. it's cool even. it means you are hip and hard core when 'nigga' can just roll of off your tongue with no pause. people even feel a certain power when they say it--blacks and non-blacks alike.

truth is--i say it. whenever i feel like it (which is not in front of the children i teach--ever). not as much as i did when i was younger, but i do. i realize that is controversial, especially because i insist that if you are not black that word should never even cross your lips. i sum it up this way. as a black woman, a relatively young black woman, i have been called a nigger quite a few times in my life (an when i say 'nigger' you should know that it was said by non-blacks out of hatred). and there are not many non-blacks that can say that something like that has ever happened, or will ever happen to them. so, if one never has to experience the rage, shame, powerlessness and many other emotions that being called a 'nigger' places on you, then why is it okay to try and siphon from it the false sense of coolness that mainstream media has attached to it via the elimination of the reality of black experience in america? i mean, i can't even fix my lips to say, or force my hands to type some of the racial slurs that effect mexican people or any other race of people for that matter. and i don't ever think it will ever be cool for people completely outside of their cultural group to take those slurs and turn them in to greetings and affirmations. not even trying to do such a thing, in my opinion, shows a degree of respect for the struggles of another race of people, especially if you yourself are a member of an oppressed group. but respect, unfortunately, is something that black people do not get a lot of, from anywhere--even in our own classrooms.

...i'm just sayin

p.s. the spell check on my work computer is set up to spell the n-word 'correctly'...nigger, instead of nigga.