Friday, December 21, 2007

whatchu talkin bout willis?!?!

okay. i'm going to post up to clear a few things up...namely about myself. the title of this blog 'thephatkatchronicles' and my screen name, 'big. black. kittykat' has caused some confusion for my loved one. i think she reads it as though i am trying to put myself out on the net on some porno shit. i am much too dignified for that, however i do realize in today's over sexualized society there is a possibility for ambiguity as
to how i am presenting myself. so to clear it all up i will offer a peep into my mind for those who give a damn. and for those who don't...i guess you just don't.
when i started this blog i did so to document weight loss. i had just started a diet in hopes of losing about 25lbs. i am still on my diet (and i've lost weight), but i've just been moved to write about other things.
i also have a deep fascination with nature and how things run on automatic, particularly in the animal kingdom. i think that animals are more connected to god than humans can ever hope to be. i hold with supreme reverence, the lioness. she is the hunter and the feeder of the entire pride. she is the matriarch who gets on about her business of running shit no matter what the male does. she is not slowed down with thoughts of who he's fucking, where he has been, or what she can get out of him--he's the breeder and the protector--that is his role (i know that human life is much more complicated than this due to emotions--but wouldn't this be a dope-ass existence?). without the lioness though, the the pride would starve and the cubs would not learn the skills necessary to survive--the legacy would cease without her. so as i am, in black woman form, i hope to embody the grace, purpose and massive power of the lioness--hence the name,

i hope that helps...

Thursday, December 20, 2007

nigga what?!?!?!?!

so i was on another blog site--'field negro' which though i have just found in the last couple of weeks, has some really nice posts. so nice that i've been all up in the archives (i think i've been under a rock). well i read a post on field negro's site that was a commentary by writer william jelani cobb, on a statement made by another writer by the name of john mcwhorter. now, i must include my own commentary. the original text by mr. mcwhorter, who i guess classifies as a conservative, justifies being racially profiled by cops:

'I cannot say that I walked away from that episode furious that I had just been swiped by the long arm of white racism...I felt that what had happened was a sign that the black underclass is America's greatest injustice, and that I ought to take it as a call to action to do as much as I can to help rescue the underclass so that such encounters with the police won't be necessary – because under the current conditions, whether we like it or not, they are.'

wow. i mean...fucking really. i don't even know where to begin, but what initially turned my stomach was this whole 'black underclass shit'. (who he callin underclass?!?!?!?) and that 'i got to help rescue the underclass' nonsense like he flash: your black ass is the underclass!! question: what happens to us when we finish school, earn degrees and get certified by white folks as being useful? is that the point when we decide to take on this 'us and them' attitude toward our own people? acting as though the racism in america is only limited to them 'low class niggas'; cause surely, these good white folk don't look at all of us the same. i really don't know the whole story behind this cat so i can't completely criticize his entire position, but i must call attention to the dumb shit he said. what i have learned in my very brief research is that he is college educated and calls himself a conservative. apparently this gives him authority to publicly claim that our own 'victimology' creates our detriment, not the actual existence of racism in the america. interpretation: 'they say we ain't monkeys no mo' so get on wit it niggers!'
i must say, i do agree with him with regard to the victimology claim; he has just labeled the wrong group as victimologists. it is not the 'separatist' and 'un-intellectual underclass' that have a 'victim syndrome' as whorter states. it is the unintellectual assimilators, who continue to sub-consciously subject themselves to internalized hatred; these are the real victims. so much so, that they have obliterated the reality of what long term oppression does to the oppressed. ultimately, the frustration over the condition will be turned against those who are members of the oppressed group; whether it be in the form of violence or self-defeating rhetoric. unfortunately for people like m/i/s/t/e/r (period) whorter, whites will never respect his sell-out ass and real african centered black folk will never trust him; i am sure neither was the intention. end result--a self defeating, sub-conscious victimization resulting in alienation from either group.

but whatever....

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

baffoonery by design

as promised i am coming to you to shed some light on what i like to call the 'special education hoax'. last time the topic was a very important element in the lives of our village children; discipline (or as i like to say--ass whoopins). some of us have become castrated and fear the disciplining of our own offspring because we have allowed a system which has never ever ever been designed to increase our prosperity to step in and put mandates on how to appropriately raise our kids. as a result, there is a new generation of parents so undisciplined themselves they don't even know where the hell to begin. with that said, let's talk about school. the way in which children are dealt with from 0-3 yrs has a profound effect on the child's social development. social impairment can be the result of a variety of things but i am touching on that which occurs do to an absence of discipline. now this lack of displine which has lead to a lack of social skills makes it very hard for the child to adjust to the learning environment, therefore making it difficult for them to be taught (not difficult for them to learn--there is a difference). sadly, with this sorry-ass public education system we have, this difficulty leads to them being pushed aside right into the special education facade. Black children, especially our little boys, represent disproportionately high numbers in the special education population. Black children whose education rests solely in the hands of the public school system are already at a disadvantage because their history and culture are totally irrelevant inside the classroom. in addition to this, overall academic standards are quite sub par. Couple that with being told that you have a 'condition' that impedes you from learning and makes it okay for you to not do shit and act a fool all day--you have a recipe for disaster. now, i am a certified special ed teacher, and before that i was certified in common sense. i know what a learning disability is and is not. children who will never be able to toilet by themselves or feed themselves need specialized education. these kids will become adults but will be unable to exceed the cognitive level of a two or three year old. but children who can dress themselves, feed themselves, and recite all the lyrics to all the songs on the radio and master a video game but struggle academically do not need to be slapped with a label and have their standards lowered. instead, parents, teachers and the community as a whole must put pressure on these children to succeed and emphasize the importance of being educated. instead they are often times left feeling hopeless and fooled by the images of ignorance that are running rampantly throughout our community. it is when they are cajoled by this unmitigated bullshit, that they become prime targets for the prison system, rather than the path of increased knowledge of self...

...i'm just sayin'

Monday, December 10, 2007

beat their asses.

allow me to introduce myself. i am that big black kitty kat. and i ain't on no perve shit so if you thought you was about to get yo internet freak on...just get off of my blog please. much love though. anywhoo. i'm like the black female clark kent with a southern accent. by day i work a regular job (which we will talk about in a minute) and i look real regular during the day as well (almost kinda busted). but by night, i am a superfine struggling artist who desparately wishes i could submerge myself in my muse. but that shit don't pay bills. so i decided to blog, for those days when my poetry doesn't ebb and flow; and to journal, and to complain in a place where i won't be told to shut the hell up. also to log my diet, but i don't feel like goin into that shit right now. anyways, back to my day job, and hense the title of my blog. i am a full time school teacher. without a doubt, this is the hardest job on the planet. and everybody on the planet makes it harder than it ought to be, especially you parents. i have no children of my own, so i will tread lightly on what i think good parenting skills ought to be. but i mean got damn!!!! some of these folks ain't doing NOTHING with their kids but sticking them in a room with a t.v., an xbox and a computer so they don't have to deal with their little rowdy asses when they're tired and just getting off of work. so some have no idea how rude and ridiculous their own children can be. now in none of this do i blame the child. they're kids and they don't know any better than what the adults in their lives present to them. but the adults need to start presenting some ass-whoopins to these children before a police officer does with a night stick when their only 16 or 17 years old. there is absolutely nothing wrong with corporal punishment. i received it at home and school. and though i hated it at the time, and i still flinch when i think about how i got my ass to' (tore if you are lacking a black southern drawl) up some days, i know for a fact it made me a better person. beat their asses. stop letting children dictate how they are to be raised. stop running off good teachers and staff from the schools; i mean most self respecting adults won't allow 6th or 7th grades to run their work environments. and more importanly black people, let's stop turning our kids over to the penal system because we are afriad of ending up there for discipling our own kids. trust, when they are sitting up somewhere free and with a job, they will thank you.

one love.

and next time on the chronicles....

the special education hoax